Spatial and statistical data

Layers of historical spatial data (.shp / .gdb) of the administrative boundaries of the cadastral territories of Prague relating to historical population censuses held in 1869-1910 were processed within the project "Prague Suburbs: the dynamics of social environment within the growing metropolis", led under the number DG20P02OVV013 supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic within the program of applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI 2).

Spatial and statistical data can be downloaded HERE after registration.

Spatial layers (boundaries) were created by vectorizing maps, which were published close to the date of individual historical censuses. Therefore, the delimitation of boundaries may differ slightly from the state on the day of the census. These differences in the delimitation of the border are detected through finding information on the delimitation and changes of administrative borders from legislation changes, map documentation and contemporary maps. In case you find a discrepancy of this kind, please contact the project coordinator.

Statistical data were processed by digitizing of Population cenzus publications and parallel statistics.  These cenzuses have taken place over the years 1869–1910. Due to the difficult availability of source data, the content of the geodatabase is constantly expanding.